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Please note: Take the information on this page with a grain of salt.
Table of contents
- General Rules
- Feminine nouns ending in -o
- Feminine nouns ending in -i
- Feminine nouns ending in -y
- Feminine nouns ending in -j
- Feminine nouns ending in -l
- Feminine nouns ending in -n
- Feminine nouns ending in -r
- Feminine nouns ending in -u
- Feminine nouns ending in -s
- Feminine nouns ending in -z
- Feminine nouns ending in -e
- Masculine nouns ending in -a
- Masculine nouns ending in -d
- Masculine nouns ending in -ión
- Masculine nouns ending in -umbre
- Double-gendered nouns with equivalent meaning (género común)
- Double-gendered nouns with different meaning (ambiguo)
- Feminine nouns using el
- Feminine nouns not using el though they should
The Spanish language has two grammatical genders: Masculine and Feminine.
In general, every noun has exactly one well-defined grammatical gender. There are some exceptions to this rule: Some nouns are called de género común
(of common gender), those nouns can be used with either the masculine or the feminine article to refer to a male or female being. See the list of them
here. Another class are substantivos epicenos (epicene nouns) which use the same article and noun to refer
to both male and female beings. The third class of exceptions are called ambiguo (ambiguous), those nouns can either have different meanings
if being used with masculine and feminine articles or have no well-defined grammatical gender. Sometimes their genders are also a subject of regional variations.
The gender of a noun defines which articles are used with it. The masculine articles are el, los, un and unos,
the feminine articles are la, las, una and unas. The table below shows their usage:
| Masculine | Feminine | English Equivalent |
Definite Singular | el | la | the |
Indefinite Singular | un | una | a/an |
Definite Plural | los | las | the |
Indefinite Plural | unos | unas | - |
As you can see, Spanish offers a greater variety of articles than English. There is one exception to these rules, most of the feminine nouns beginning with a
stressed a- use el instead of la, see the list of them below.
So how do you know the gender of a noun? If you want to be sure, you have to learn them by heart.
For this reason, nouns should always be learnt with their respective article. If you don't know the article, you will have to guess.
For German and French this does not work very well, but the Spanish language has some useful rules and a finite list of exceptions to them.
Most word endings have a gender associated with them:
Masculine |
-o ,
-i ,
-y ,
-j ,
-l ,
-n ,
-r ,
-u ,
-s ,
-z ,
-e ,
Feminine |
-a ,
-d ,
-ión ,
-umbre ,
Common |
Some of these rules are more useful than others. There are a lot of Spanish nouns ending in -o, -a or -ión and a comparatively short list
of exceptions. Some word endings are just very rare in Spanish. There may be two nouns ending in -w (el bungalow, el dhow) and both of them are
masculine, so you can make a rule out of that, but what's the point? Others endings have whole classes of exceptions, there are only few feminine nouns
in -n except a legion ending in -ión. The point is, don't waste your time arguing about what should be considered a rule and what not.
Just remember the rules which make sense to you. Forget about the rest.
Note that some of these words are just abbreviations of regular words such as la discoteca, la fotografía, la motocicleta.
la disco° | the disco |
la foto | the photo |
la mano | the hand |
la modelo* | the femalo model |
la moto | the motorcycle |
la nao | the boat (specific boat type) |
la radio | the radio |
la reo* | the female criminal |
la seo | the cathedral, Christian temple |
la soprano* | the female soprano |
la testigo* | the female witness |
* equivalent masculine noun exists
° masculine noun with different meaning exists
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la diócesi | the diocese |
la metrópoli | the metropolis |
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la grey | the flock |
la ley | the law |
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There are only few Spanish words ending in -j, most of them are of Arabic origin and masculine.
la troj | the granary |
la contrarreloj | the time trial |
la sij* | the (female) sikh |
* equivalent masculine form exists
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la cal | the lime |
la capital | the capital (town) |
la cárcel | the prison |
la col | the cabbage |
la miel | the honey |
la piel | the skin |
la sal | the salt |
la señal | the signal |
la vocal | the vowel |
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Excluding all nouns ending in -ión.
la cargazón | the load |
la crin | the horsehair, the mane |
la desazón | the ailment |
la imagen | the image |
la razón | the reason |
la sinrazón | the injustice |
la sartén | the frying-pan |
la sien | the (anatomic) temple |
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la flor | the flower |
la labor | the work |
la segur | the axe |
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la bilis | the bile |
la crisis | the crisis |
la elipsis | the ellipsis |
la lis | the fleur-de-lis |
la mies | the crop |
la perífrasis | the periphrase |
la tos | the cough |
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Excluding all nouns ending in -triz
la codorniz | the quail |
la cerviz | the cervix |
la cruz | the cross |
la coz | the back-kick |
la luz | the light |
la nariz | the nose |
la nuez | the nut, Adam's apple |
la pez° | the tar, pitch |
la voz | the voice |
la raíz | the root |
la tez | the complexion |
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Excluding all nouns in -umbre
el ave | the bird, fowl |
la barbarie | the barbarity |
la base | the basis |
la calle | the street |
la carne | the meat |
la fiebre | the fever |
la fuente | the fountain |
el hambre | the hunger |
la mente | the mind |
la noche | the night |
la parte | the part |
la quiete | the quiet |
la sangre | the blood |
la serpiente | the serpent |
la torre | the tower |
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Including some nouns ending in -ista. These nouns often have a feminine counterpart and belong to the common group. They usually refer to professions or other groups of people.
el albacea* | the executor |
el aroma | the aroma |
el atleta* | the athlete |
el aristócrata* | the aristocrat |
el artista* | the artist |
el astronauta* | the astronaut |
el Belga* | the male Belgian |
el Canadá | Canada |
el clime | the climate |
el cólera° | cholera |
el cometa° | the comet |
el comentarista* | the commentator |
el cortaplumas | the penknife |
el cura | the priest |
el dentista* | the dentist |
el día | the day |
el diagrama | the diagram |
el dilema | the dilemma |
el diploma | the diploma |
el drama | the drama |
el enigma | the enigma |
el epigrama | the epigram |
el esquema | the outline, diagram |
el Etna† | the Etna |
el fantasma | the ghost |
el florista* | the florist |
el gimnasta* | the male gymnast |
el gorila | the gorilla |
el guardacostas | the coastal vessel |
el guardia°* | the policeman, male guard |
el guía°* | the male guide |
el homicida* | the murder |
el idioma | the language |
el idiota* | the male idiot |
el indígena* | the indigenous male |
el izquierdista* | the leftist |
el jurista* | the jurist |
el mañana° | the future |
el mapa | the map |
el morfema | the morpheme |
el oficinista* | the office worker |
el panorama | the panorama, outlook |
el papa° | the pope |
el paraguas | the umbrella |
el pijama | the pyjamas |
el planeta | the planet |
el plasma | the plasma |
el poema | the poem |
el poeta* | the poet |
el policía°* | the policeman |
el problema | the problem |
el profeta* | the prophet |
el programa | the program |
el quechua | the Quechua language |
el reúma | the rheumatism |
el síntoma | the symptom, sign |
el sistema | the system |
el sofá | the sofa |
el suicida* | the male suicidal person |
el tanga | the thong |
el tecnócrata | the technocrat |
el telegrama | the telegram |
el tema° | the theme, subject |
el teorema | the theorem |
el tequila | the tequila |
el tirabala | the pop-gun |
el tranvía | the streetcar |
el trauma | the trauma |
el turista* | the tourist |
el Volga† | the Volga |
el yoga | yoga |
† Holds for all rivers and mountains ending in -a.
* equivalent feminine noun exists
° feminine noun with different meaning exists
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el adalid | the warrior or chieftain |
el ardid | the trick |
el ataúd | the coffin |
el césped | the turf, lawn |
el sud | the south |
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el embrión | the embryo |
el gorrión | the sparrow |
el morrión | the morion (type of helmet) |
el sarampión | the measles |
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el azumbre | old measure of volume, about two liters |
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Excluding all nouns ending in -ista
el/la albacea | the executor/executrix |
el/la Belga | the Belgian |
el/la espía | the spy |
el/la idiota | the idiot |
el/la indígena | the native |
el/la mártir | the martyr |
el/la reo | the criminal |
el/la culpable | the culprit |
el/la gimnasta | the gymnast |
el/la homicida | the murder/murderess |
el/la sij | the sikh |
el/la suicida | the suicide/suicidal person |
el/la testigo | the witness |
Also all other nouns of nationality ending with -a
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Spanish Noun | Masculine Translation | Feminine Translation |
el/la batería | the male drummer | the battery, the female drummer |
el/la busca | the pager | the search |
el/la capital | the investment | the capital (city), the capital letter |
el/la cólera | the cholera | the anger |
el/la coma | the coma | the comma |
el/la cometa | the comet | the kite |
el/la corte | the cut, blade | the court (justice) |
el/la cura | the (Catholic) priest | the cure |
el/la delta | the delta (river) | the delta (Greek letter) |
el/la disco | the disc | the disco, club |
el/la doblez | the fold, grease | the duplicity, double-dealing |
el/la editorial | the editorial | the publishing business |
el/la escucha | the male guard | the female guard, the act of listening |
el/la final | the end | the final game of a tournament |
el/la frente | the front | the forehead |
el/la guardia | the policeman | the protection, custody, guard, police force, policewoman |
el/la guía | the male guide | the female guide, guidebook |
el/la mañana | the future | the morning |
el/la margen | the margin | the bank (of a river) |
el/la moral | the blackberry bush | the morale, morality |
el/la orden | the order (law & order) | the (religious) order |
el/la ordenanza | the (military) order | the official person, regulation |
el/la papa | the pope | the potato |
el/la parte | the document | the portion |
el/la pendiente | the earring | the slope |
el/la pez | the fish | the tar, pitch |
el/la policía | the policeman | the policewoman, police force |
el/la radio | the radius, radium | the radio |
el/la tema | the subject | the obsession |
el/la terminal | the electronic terminal | the shipping terminal |
el/la trompeta | the male trumpeter | the female trumpeter, trumpet |
el/la vista | the male custom officer | the female custom officer, the view |
el/la vocal | the male committee member | the female committee member, vocal |
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el agua | the water |
el ama | the woman of the house |
el asma | asthma |
el arca | the ark |
el hambre | hunger |
el hampa | the underworld |
el arpa | the harp |
el águila | the eagle |
el ave | the bird, fowl |
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la áraba | the Arabic woman |
la Haya | the Hague |
la a | the letter A |
la hache | the letter H |
la haz | the face |
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